Alphabetical list of past speakers (1981-2018)
Gerry Adams TD, President Sinn Féin, deputy for County Louth
Bertie Ahern, former Taoiseach, former leader Fianna Fáil
Dr Alan Ahearne, Professor of Economics and Director of Whitaker Institute at NUI Galway
Prof Mary Aiken, Cyberpsychologist, Adjunct Associate Professor, Geary Institute for Public Policy, UCD
Dr John Alderdice, former leader of the Alliance Party
Martina Anderson, MLA, Sinn Fein Spokesperson on Equality and Human Rights
John Armstrong, lecturer in Health Policy, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
Tom Arnold, Chairperson, Concern, former Chief Economist Department of Agriculture
Bruce Arnold, writer and broadcaster
Dr Bernard Aspinwall, University of Glasgow
Bill Attley, former General Secretary FWUI
Dr Peter Bacon, economic consultant
Prof Fridrik Baldursson, University of Rekjyavik
Robert Ballagh, artist
Mary Banotti, former MEP
Monica Barnes, former TD
Prof Alan Barrett, Director Economic & Social Research Institute, Adj Prof Social Sciences & Philosophy TCD
Ruth Barrington, Chair of TREOIR, former CEO, Health Research Board, former Assistant Secretary, Dept of Health and Children
Dr Joe Barry, Department of Public Health, TCD
Linda Barry, Institute of International & European Affairs
Dr Siobhan Barry, Clinical Director, Cluain Mhuire
David Begg, Director, Tasc, former General Secretary, ICTU
John Behan, artist
Cathy Belton, actor ‘Burial at Thebes’
Nora Bennis, formerly of the National Party
Prof Paul Bew, Dept of History, QUB, member of House of Lords
Noeline Blackwell, Director General, FLAC
Rev Raymond Blair, Irish Bible School, church historian
Fr Harry Bohan, founder and Director of CEIFIN
Charlie Bonner, actor and poetry reader
Jack Boothman, former president GAA
Dr John Bowman, writer and broadcaster
Most Rev Dr Philip Boyce, Bishop of Raphoe
Richard Boyd Barrett TD, People Before Profit Alliance
Dan Boyle, former Senator, former chairman of the Green Party
Gerry Boyle, Director, Teagasc
Prof Kevin Boyle, former Director of Article 19
Denis Bradley, columnist and political commentator, former Vice-Chairman N.I. Police Authority
Dr Finbarr Bradley, former professor of business, DCU and NUI Maynooth
Gerard Bradley, musician
Dr Anne-Marie Brady, Director of Teaching and Learning, School of Nursing TCD
Conor Brady, Sunday Times columnist, former Editor Irish Times, former Garda Ombudsman Commissioner
Dr Hugh Brady, President UCD
Ian Brady,Team Leader, Centrepoint Night Shelter, London
Olive Braiden, former Chairperson, Rape Crisis Centre, former Chairperson Arts Council
Gordon Brand, writer
Richard Breen, ESRI
Brid Brennan, actress
Dr Nans Brennan, former member of Education Office, Conference of Major Religious Superiors
Prof Niamh Brennan, UCD
Dr Peter Brennan, MD EPS Consulting
+ Seamus Brennan, former Minister, former General Secretary Fianna Fail
Peter Breuer, Resident Representative to Ireland of the IMF
+ Dr Noel Browne, former Minister for Health
Brother Martin Browne OSB, Headmaster, Glenstal Abbey School
Prof Terence Brown, Department of English Literature, TCD
Vincent Browne, writer and broadcaster
John Bruton, former Taoiseach, former leader Fine Gael
Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation
Aussie Bryson, actor
Catherine Buckley, National President, Macra na Feirme
Olivia Buckley, Director of Communications, Irish Taxation Institute
+ Lawson Burch, artist
Laura Burke, Director General, Environment Protection Agency
Mary Rose Burke, CEO, Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Dr Pat Burke, former lecturer St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra
Joan Burton TD, Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection
Robin Bury, Language Reform Movement
David Byrne, former Attorney General, former EU Commissioner
Dr Elaine Byrne, barrister and columnist, author of ‘Political Corruption in Ireland 1922-2010’
Gay Byrne, broadcaster, Chairman Road Safety Authority
Pat Byrne, former Garda Commissioner
Liam Cahill, former Economics Correspondent RTE, public affairs consultant
Prof Leo Callahan, New York University
Patricia Callan, Director of Alcohol Beverage Federation of Ireland (ABFI)
Dara Calleary TD, FF spokesperson on Justice, Equality & Defence, former Minister of State
Laura Cameron, actor
Gregory Campbell MLA, Democratic Unionist Party
Jimmy Campbell, fiddler
Peter Campbell, fiddler
Vincent Campbell, fiddler
Mary Canning, Deputy Chairperson, Higher Education Authority
Wilfred Cantwell, architect and author
Pat Carey, former Fianna Fail TD, former Minister
Sarah Carey, broadcaster and journalist
John Carr, former general secretary, INTO
Anna Carragher, former Head of Broadcasting BBC N.I.
Anton Carroll, former Principal, Greendale Comprehensive School
Deirdre Carroll, General Secretary, National Association for Mentally Handicapped
Joe Carroll, former Washington correspondent, Irish Times
+ Sam Carse, railway historian
Ciaran Carson, poet and novelist
Douglas Carswell PM, UK Independence Party (UKIP)
Matt Carty MEP, Sinn Féin
Caroline Casey, founder of Kanchi & Ability Awards, recipient of Young Global Leader Award at World Economic Forum
Most Rev Eamonn Casey, former Bishop of Galway
Norah Casey, publisher and broadcaster, CEO Harmonia
Prof Patricia Casey, Mater Hospital
Peter Cassells, former General Secretary, ICTU
Anne Chambers, author of T.K. Whitaker: Portrait of a Patriot
Jack Chambers TD, Fianna Fail spokesperson on Defence
H.E. Mr Dominick Chilcott CMG, British Ambassador to Ireland
Mary Clancy, Women’s Studies, UCG
Dr Pat Clancy, UCD
Brid Clarke, artist
Madeleine Clarke, founder of GENIO, former Deputy CEO of Barnardos, co-founder of Children’s Rights Alliance
Michele Clarke, Chief Inspector, Social Services Inspectorate
Prof Peter Clinch, Chair, National Competitiveness Council, Prof of Public Policy UCD
Mary Cloake, Director of the Arts Council
Prof John Coakley, author, former Head of School of Politics & International Relations UCD
Shay Cody, General Secretary, IMPACT trade union
Dr Seamus Coffey, UCC, Chair of the Fiscal Advisory Council
Tom Coffey, Chief Executive, Dublin Business Association
Paddy Cole, musician
Gordon Colleary, former MD Sunday Tribune
Prof Emer Colleran, Director Environmental Change Institute, UCG
Charlie Collins, MD Highland Radio
Dearbhla Collins, pianist
Prof Neil Collins, author, Professor of Government UCC
Niall Collins TD, Fianna Fail spokesperson on Environment, Community and Local Government
Stephen Collins, former political editor Irish Times
Most Rev Brendan Comiskey, former Bishop of Ferns
John Concannon, Director of Market Development, Failte Ireland, Chair of Gaisce
Mary Condren
Paul Connaughton, former Minister of State
Donal Connell, Chief Executive, An Post
Liam Connellan, former Director General, Confederation of Irish Industry
Anne Connolly, Ireland Smart Ageing Exchange (ISAX), former Director, Ageing Well Network
Catherine Connolly TD, Independent
Dr John Connolly, Co-founder of Irish Association of Suicidology
Prof Linda Connolly, Director, Social Sciences Institute, NUI Maynooth
Prof Frank Convery, UCD
Denis Conway, actor/director ‘Burial at Thebes’
Dr Vicky Conway, lecturer in law, DCU, author of Policing Twentieth Century Ireland – A History of An Garda Siochana
+ Maev Conway-Piskorski, former Head of Education Programmes RTE
Tim Pat Coogan, writer, former editor Irish Press
Prof John Coolahan, former Head of Education, St Patrick’s College Maynooth
John Cooney, writer and journalist
Robert Cooper, former Head of Drama BBC N.I.
Ivan Cooper, Director of Advocacy, The Wheel
Eamonn Corcoran, writer
Peter Cosgrove, an expert on the future of work, diversity and inclusion
David Costello, Department of Justice
Joe Costello TD, Labour Party
Dr Rory Costello, Lecturer in European Studies, University of Limerick
Anthony Coughlan, former Secretary, National Platform
Mary Coughlan, former Minister and Tánaiste
Oisín Coughlan, Director, Friends of the Earth
Simon Coveney TD, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade
Brian Cowan, former Taoiseach, former Fianna Fail TD
Pat Cox, International Consultant, former President European Parliament
Tommy Crampsie, tenor
Lucinda Creighton, former Minister of State for European Affairs
Stasia Crickley, Department of Social Studies, St Patrick’s College Maynooth
Anthony Cronin, novelist, poet and critic
Maria Cronin, IBEC
Prof Mike Cronin, Head of Boston College in Ireland
Tony Crookes, Curriculum Development Unit VEC
H. E. Stéphane Crouzat, Ambassador of France to Ireland
Dan Crowley, NW Health Board
+ Dr Conor Cruise O’Brien, writer, former Minister
Paul Cullen, Irish Times Correspondent
Deborah Cunningham, soprano
Anna Curley, Donegal Youth Orchestra
Richard Curren, Sunday Business Post columnist and broadcaster
John Cushnahan, former leader of Alliance Party, former MEP
Padraig Dalton, Director-General, Central Statistics Office
Prof Mary Daly, President of the Royal Irish Academy
Michael Daly, Editor-in-Chief, Donegal Democrat
Mme Emmanuelle d’Achon, Ambassador of France to Ireland
Fr Brian Darcy, writer and broadcaster
Gabriel D’Arcy, Chief Executive, Bord na Móna
Majella Darcy, Dublin Simon Community
Daithí de Buitléir, founder of Raising and Giving Ireland, award-winning social entrepreneur
Dr Donal de Buitleir, Chair,, former member Health Service Executive
+ Dr John de Courcy Ireland, maritime historian
Proinsias de Rossa, former MEP, former leader Workers’ Party, former Minister for Social Welfare
John Deasy TD, Fine Gael
Ruth Deasy, former head of press and media for the European Commission in Ireland
Sister Margo Delaney, Vincentian Partnership for Justice
Noel Dempsey, former TD and Fianna Fáil Minister
Dr Patrick Devitt, former MHC Inspector of Mental Health Services, author of Suicide: A Major Obsession
James Dobbins, former US representative to the European Communities
Brian Dobson, RTE
Dr Colin Doherty, Consultant Neurologist, St James Hospital, National Clinical Lead for the Epilepsy Care Programme
Moya Doherty, Producer of Riverdance, Director Tyrone Productions, Chair RTÉ
Pat Doherty MLA, former Vice-President Sinn Féin
Pearse Doherty TD, Sinn Féin spokesperson on Finance
Regina Doherty TD, Government Chief Whip
Toni Doherty, art teacher
John Dolan, CEO, Disability Federation of Ireland
Jeffrey Donaldson MP, MLA, Democratic Unionist Party
Seán Donlon, former diplomat, UL Chancellor, board member of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, chair of the Press Council of Ireland
Dr Pat Donlon, former Director National Library
John Donnolly, former President IFA
Brendan Donnelly, Director, The Federal Trust UK
Stephen Donnelly TD, Fianna Fáil spokesperson on Health, formerly co-founder, Social Democrats
Paschal Donohoe TD, Minister for Finance, and Public Expenditure & Reform
Oliver Donohue, ICTU
Donal Donovan, former Deputy Director IMF
Theo Dorgan, author, poet and broadcaster
Noel Dorr, former Secretary General, Department of Foreign Affairs
Joe Dowling, former artistic director Abbey Theatre, artistic director Guthrie Theatre Minneapolis
Paul Dowling, Chief Executive Airtricity
Dr Eileen Drew, Centre for Women’s Studies, TCD
Helena Drnovsek Zorko, former Ambassador of Slovenia to Ireland
Prof Owen Dudley Edwards, University of Edinburgh
Connie Duffy, Donegal Democrat
Dorothy Duffy, actress
Sean Duignan, broadcaster, former head of Government Information
Alan Dukes, economist, former leader of Fine Gael, former Minister for Finance
+ Sean Dunlap, Judge of the Circuit Court
Pat Dunleavy, former president Donegal Historical Society
Dr Louise Dunne, Environmental Studies, UCD
Lady Kathleen Dunpark
Eamon Dunphy, broadcaster and writer
Paul Durcan, poet
Bernard Durkan TD, former Fine Gael chief whip
Joe Durkan, ESRI
Mark Durkan MLA, former deputy First Minister (N.I.), former leader SDLP
Rowena Dwyer, Chief Economist, Irish Farmers’ Association
Lord Robin Eames, former Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland
Des Early, actor
Colm Eastwood, Leader SDLP
Matthew Elderfield, Financial Regulator and Deputy Governor of the Central Bank
Dr Sydney Elliot, Department of Politics, QUB
Tom Elliott MLA, Ulster Unionist Party
Bill Emmott, Editor-in-Chief of The Economist (1993-2006), his latest book is The Fate of the West
Olwyn Enright, former Fine Gael TD
Caroline Erskine, Executive Director, We the Citizens
+ David Ervine, former Progressive Unionist Party representative
Eileen Evason, University of Ulster
William Fagan, former Director of Consumer Affairs
Dr Tony Fahey, School of Applied Social Science, UCD
Peter Fallon, Poet and publisher
Prof Ronan Fanning, Department of History, UCD
+ Prof Brian Farrell, UCD and RTE
Prof David Farrell, School of Politics, UCD
David Farrell, Academic Director, We the Citizens
Sean Farren, MLA, former Minister for Finance and Personnel (N.I)
+ Fr Denis Faul, Head of St Patrick’s College, Dungannon, peace campaigner
Kate Fearon, Women’s Coalition Party
Josephine Feehily, Chairperson,Policing Authority
Kate Feeney, Fianna Fáil councillor, Uachtarán Ográ Fianna Fáil
Nicholas Fenn, former British Ambassador to Ireland
Raymond Ferguson, solicitor, former member of the Executive of the Official Unionist Party
Brian Ferran, artist and former director of the N.I. Arts Council
Prof Diarmaid Ferriter, Department of Modern Irish History UCD
Mark Fielding, Chief Executive, Irish Small & Medium Enterprises (ISME)
Mary Finan, former MD Wilson Hartnell, Chair, Gate Theatre
Eamonn Fingleton, Financial journalist and writer
Nadene Fiorentini, pianist
Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Justice and Equality
+ Dr Garret Fitzgerald, former Taoiseach, former Fine Gael TD and Minister
Prof John Fitzgerald, Economist and columnist
Michael Fitzgerald, founder and MD, Abtran Ltd
Prof Muiris Fitzgerald, Head of Department of Medicine, UCD
Dr Eleanor Fitzgerald Loftus, GP and Coroner North Mayo
Maurice Fitzpatrick, Lecturer at the University of Cologne, film documentary maker
Christopher Fitzsimons, writer and former artistic director, Abbey Theatre
Adrian Flannelly, broadcaster in New York, founding member Irish-American Business Coalition
Frank Flannery, political consultant, former FG Director of Organisation & Strategy
Matt Flannery, founder of Kiva (USA)
Sean Fleming TD, Fianna Fáil spokesperson on Public Sector Reform
Chris Flood, former Minister of State
Tony Flynn, actor
Gerry Foley, western correspondent UTV, former political editor for ITV at Westminster
Tony Foley, Senior lecturer and head of economics group, DCU
Fr Walter Forde
Dr Michael Foxe, Monsanto Ltd
Marc Freedman
Brian Friel, playwright
Lucy Gaffney, Chairperson, National Plan Against Racism
Dr Maureen Gaffney, writer and columnist, Chair, National Economic & Social Forum (NESF)
Dermot Gallagher, former Secretary General, Department of Foreign Affairs
+ Jim Gallagher, Principal St Columba’s ComprehensiveSchool, Glenties
Prof Michael Gallagher, TCD
Prof Michael Paul Gallagher SJ, Dean of Theology, GregorianUniversity, Rome
Niamh Gallagher, Co-Founder of Women for Election
Pat the Cope Gallagher MEP, former Minister of State
Sean Gallagher, National Chairperson, Irish Carers’ Association
William Gallagher, RHA Gallery, former curator of the Glebe Gallery
Frank Galligan, poet and journalist
Gary Gannon, Councillor for North Inner City, Social Democrat candidate for Dublin Central in 2016 election
Kevin Gardiner, MD and Head of Global Strategy at Barclays Wealth, London
David Gavaghan, Chair, Confederation of British Industry NI
Shay Garvey, founding partner, Frontline Ventures, chair, Science Gallery, chair, Genio
Janet Gaynor, NW Health Board
Maire Geoghegah-Quinn, EU Commissioner, former Minister, former Auditor EU
Tony Geoghegan, Director, Merchant’s Quay Project
Norah Gibbons, Chairwoman of the new Child and Family Agency
Dr Chris Gibson, Pro-Chancellor, QUB
Jeremy Gilbert, former Chief Petroleum Engineer, BP
Seamus Gildea, former president Donegal Historical Society
Thomas Gildea, former TD
Caroline Gill, barrister, former Insurance Ombudsman
Dr Paul Gill, senior lecturer in security & crime, University College, London
Judith Gillespie, former head of Drugs Squad RUC, Assistant Chief Constable PSNI
Alan Gillis, former MEP, former President IFA
Fr Bobby Gilmore, Columban priest
Eamon Gilmore TD, Tánaiste & Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, and leader of the Labour Party
Tom Gilmore, former President INTO
Paddy Glackin, musician and radio producer
Rosaleen Glackin, ICTU
Dermot Gleeson, former Attorney General, former Chairman AIB
+ Alice-Glenn, former Dail Deputy Fine Gael, former Lord Mayor of Dublin
Rev Harold Good, former President, Methodist Church in Ireland
Rt Rev Ken Good, Bishop of Derry and Raphoe
David Goodhart, journalist, author of The Road to Somewhere – The Populist Revolt & the Future of Politics
Tommie Gorman, Northern Editor, RTE
John Gormley, former leader of the Green Party and former TD
Aziliz Gouez, Analyst, French and European politics, former speechwriter for President Higgins
H.E. Frederic Grasset, former French Ambassador to Ireland
Alan Gray, Managing Director, Indecon International Economic Consultants
Derry Gray, Partner & Head of Management Consultancy, BDO, President Dublin Chamber of Commerce
+ Robert Greacen, writer
Dr Sheila Greene, Department of Psychology, TCD
Prof Roy Greenslade, author and professor of Journalism, City University London, media correspondent The Guardian
+ Dr Bernadette Greevy, mezzo-soprano
+ Tony Gregory, former Independent TD
Tony Griffin, founder of SOAR, author of “Screaming at the Sky”
Prof William Griffin, St John’s University, New York, USA
Anita Guidera, Irish Independent
Rosanne Haggarty, founder of Community Solutions (USA)
Rt Hon Peter Hain MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Ted Hallett, former Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy
Brendan Halligan, Chair, Institute of International & European Affairs, former Secretary General Labour Party, former TD and Senator
+ David Hammond, musician and filmmaker
Mary Hanafin, former Fianna Fáil TD, former Minister
Claire Hanna MLA, SDLP
Paul Hannigan, President Letterkenny Institute of Technology
Katie Hannon, RTE
Tony Hanway, CEO Virgin Media
Paul Haran, principal of College of Business & Law UCD, former Sec Gen Dept of Enterprise, Trade & Employment
Adrian Hardiman, judge of the Supreme Court
Dr Niamh Hardiman, School of Politics and International Relations, UCD, Author of ‘Crisis in Irish Governance’
Prof Orla Hardiman, Consultant Neurologist Beaumount Hospital, Head of Academic Unit of Neurology at TCD
Grace Harkin, Donegal Youth Orchestra
Marian Harkin MEP, former TD
Niamh Harkin, Donegal Youth Orchestra
Mary Harney, former TD, former leader of Progressive Democrat Party and Tánaiste
Paul Harrigan, Uileann Piper
Simon Harris TD, Minister for Health
Amy Rose Harte, Communications Manager for the Together for Yes Campaign
Mary Harte, BBC radio producer
Paddy Harte, former Minister of State
Frank Harvey, poet
Pat Harvey, former CEO NW Health Board
Brian Hayes MEP, member of Economic & Monetary Affairs Committee, European Parliament, former Minister of State at the Dept of Finance
Dr Claire Hayes, Clinical Director, AWARE
Dr Maurice Hayes, Writer, columnist, former Northern Ireland Ombudsman, former member of Seanad Éireann
Dr Katy Hayward, Lecturer in Political Sociology, Queen’s University Belfast, member of the Centre for Cross Border Studies
Grainne Healy, former Chairperson, National Women’s Council of Ireland
Joe Healy, President Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA)
+ Seamus Heaney, poet, Nobel Laureate for Literature
Margaret Heckler, former US Ambassador to Ireland
Dr Miriam Hederman O’Brien, Economist TCD
Fr Kevin Hegarty, Editor INTERCOM 1991-94, member of Catholic Priests’ Association, curate in Co Mayo
Dr John Hegarty, Provost TCD
Dr Seamus Hegarty, Bishop of Derry
Helene Henderson, actress
Michael Heney, former Producer/Director and Presenter, RTE News and Current Affairs
Mark Hennessy, News Editor, Irish Times
Dr Mary Henry, medical consultant and former Senator
Fergal Hickey, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Sligo University Hospital
Jim Higgins MEP, Fine Gael
Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland, poet and former Minister for the Arts
+ Derek-Hill, artist
+ Dr Patrick Hillery, former President of Ireland, former Minister
David Hodgkinson, Executive Chairman, AIB
Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for Agriculture & Rural Affairs
Dr Frank Holohan
Prof Patrick Honohan, Governor of the Central Bank, former professor of economics TCD
Dr Ann Hope, National Alcohol Policy advisor
Blair Horan, General Secretary Civil & Public Services Union (CPSU)
David Horgan, CEO, Petrel Resources
Dr Chris Horn, founding Chief Executive, Iona Technologies, Chairman Cloudsmith
Dr Niamh Hourigan, Dept of Sociology, UCC
Brendan Howlin TD, leader of the Labour Party
Gerard Howlin, columnist, public affairs consultant
Annette Hughes, Director DKM Economic Consultants, member National Competitiveness Council
John Hume, former leader of SDLP, MP and MEP, joint winner of Nobel Peace Prize
Heather Humphreys TD, Minister for Regional Development, Rural Affairs, Arts and the Gaeltacht
Gemma Hussey, former Minister for Education and Minister for Social Welfare
Bernie Hyland, North West Health Board
Gary Hynes, Artistic Director Druid, former artistic director Abbey Theatre
Peter Hynes, CEO Mayo County Council
Nuala Jackson, Law Library
Francis Jacob, former Head of EU Office in Dublin
Prof David Jeffrey, TCD
Ann Jennings, drama teacher
Anne Jennings, soprano
Dr Pierre Joannon, historian and Irish Consul in Nice
Helen Johnston, CEO Combat Poverty
Most Rev Dr C. Jones, Bishop of Elphin
Laura Kealy, Donegal Youth Orchestra
Prof Frank Keane, former President of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Prof Richard Kearney, UCD and Boston College, former editor of Crane Bag
+ Justin Keating, former Minister for Industry and Commerce
Brendan Keenan, Economics Editor, Irish Independent
Adrian Kelly, Curator Glebe Gallery
+ Prof John Kelly, former Professor of Jurisprudence and Roman Law UCD, former Minister of State
Mick Kelly, founder of ‘Grow it yourself’
Sean Kelly MEP, former President GAA
+ Jim Kemmy, former TD, Chairman of the Democratic Socialist Party
Dr Denis Kennedy, journalist and writer, former head of EEC Office, Belfast
Dr Finola Kennedy, former lecturer in Economics UCD
+ Dr Kieran Kennedy, former head of ESRI
Sr Stanislaus Kennedy, founder, Focus Point, now Focus Ireland
Jean Kennedy-Smith, former US Ambassador to Ireland
Enda Kenny TD, Taoiseach, Leader of Fine Gael
Rachel Kenny, Senior Planner, Meath County Council
Prof Dermot Keogh, Department of Modern History, UCC
Angela Kerins, CEO, Rehab
Bobby Kerr, Chair Insomnia Coffee Co, member of the panel “Dragon’s Den”
+ Benedict Kiely, writer and broadcaster
Michael Kilcoyne, Vice-Chair, Consumers’ Association of Ireland
Tom Kilroy, novelist and playwright, former professor of English Literature, NUI Galway
Sir Julian King, EU Commissioner for the Security Union, former British Ambassador to Ireland
Patricia King, General Secretary, SIPTU
Tom King, Assistant Garda Commissioner
Stephen Kingon, Chairperson, Invest Northern Ireland
Dr Stephen Kinsella, Dept of Economics, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick
Prof Rob Kitchin, National Institute of Regional and Spatial Analysis, NUI Maynooth
Prof Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schumann Institute, European University Institute, Florence
Dr Philip Lane, Governor of Central Bank, formerly Department of International Macroeconomics TCD
Colm Larkin, former Chef de Cabinet to Commissioner McSharry, former Director EU Office
Sara Laughlin, soprano
Dr Martina Lawless, Associate Research Professor, ESRI
Pat Leahy, Political Editor, Irish Times, Author of ‘Showtime – the Inside Story of Fianna Fail in Power’
George Lee, environment and agriculture correspondent, RTE
Prof Joe Lee, Head of Department of Modern History, UCC and University of New York
Philippe Legrain, Senior Fellow LSE, former advisor to EU President Jose Manuel Barroso
Patrick Lenain, former IMF Economist, Head of Economics Dept OECD
+ Brian Lenihan, former Minister for Finance, former Deputy Leader Fianna Fáil
Ann Leonard, former Senator
Roger Liddle, former advisor to EU President Barrosso and to British PM Tony Blair
Emma Little-Pengelly MP, Belfast South Constituency, Shadown DUP spokesperson on Equality, Justice and International Trade
Dr Bo Lidegaard, Executive Editor-in-chief of Politiken newspaper, Denmark
Rosaleen Linehan, actress and comedienne
Prof Ruth Lister
Joe Little, Religious and Social Affairs correspondent, RTE
Mark Little, founder/CEO Storyful, former RTE Washington Correspondent and current affairs presenter
Dr Mick Loftus, Mayo co-coroner, former president GAA
Emily Logan, Ombudsman for Children
John Lonergan, former Governor of Mountjoy prison
Cormac Lucey, former advisor to Minister for Justice and Law Reform
Professor Kathleen Lynch, Equality Studies, UCD
Kathleen Lynch TD, Minister of State at the Dept of Health
Dr Ronan Lyons, Assistant Professor of Economics, TCD
Caoimhin MacAoidh, musician, CEO Donegal Local Development Co
Fiach MacConghail, Director of the Abbey Theatre
Prof Brian MacCraith, President, DCU
+ Sheila MacGill Callahan, writer, New York
+ Patricia MacGill McGowan, writer and journalist, USA
+ Breandan MacGiolla Choille, former State Archivist
Fr Micheal MacGreil SJ, Sociologist, Chairman Pioneer Total Abstinence Association
Padraig MacLochlainn TD, Sinn Féin spsokesperson on Justice & Equality
+ Ciaran MacMathuna, broadcaster and archivist
+ Sean MacReamoinn, writer and broadcaster
Noel Madden, MD Kerbside Ltd
Ken Magennis, former MP, MEP, member of House of Lords
Alice Maher, contemporary artist
+ Dr Peter Mair, Head of Department of Politics, European University Institute Florence
Seamus Mallon, former Deputy Leader SDLP
Bernie Malone, former MEP
Sr Veronica Mangan, Director of ‘Aislinn’
Dr Martin Mansergh, former TD and former Minister of State
Most Rev Dr Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin
Geoff Martin, former editor Belfast Newsletter
Micheál Martin TD, Leader of Fianna Fáil
Vincent P. Martin, Barrister and Co-founder, New Beginnings
Patrick Mason, theatre director, former artistic director Abbey Theatre
Caoimhín MacAoidh, Fiddler
Orlaith McBride, Director, Arts Council
+ Sean McBride, winner of Nobel Peace Prize and Lenin Peace Prize
Fergus McCabe, National Drugs Strategy Team
John Mark McCafferty, SVP
Nell McCafferty, writer and broadcaster
Elisha McCallion MP, Sinn Fein MP for FOyle
Eamonn McCann, writer, journalist and broadcaster
Pat McCartan, judge, former TD, former Workers’ Party spokesperson on Justice
Colm McCarthy, Department of Economics, UCD
Judith McCarthy, Curator, Donegal County Museum
Justine McCarthy, author and senior writer at the Sunday Times
+ Niall McCarthy, judge of the Supreme Court
Joe McCartin, former MEP
Anne McCartney, writer and broadcaster
Samantha McCaughren, Business Editor, Sunday Independent
+ Inez McCormack, former president ICTU
Joy McCormick
+ Liam McCormick, architect
Danny McCoy, Chief Executive, IBEC
Professor Brian MacCraith, President, DCU
Margaret McCurtin (Sr Benvenuta), formerly of the Department of Modern Irish History, UCD
Dr James McDaid, former TD and Minister
Paul McDaid, NW Health Board
Dr Shari McDaid, Director Mental Health Reform
Rev Prof Enda McDonagh, Maynooth College
Roisin McDonagh, CEO Arts Council of N.I.
Fr Sean McDonagh SSC, Columban, eco-theologian, contributor to Papal Encyclical ‘Laudato Si’
Steve McDonagh, Brandon Press
Dearbhail McDonald, Associate Editor & Legal Editor, Irish Independent
Mary Lou McDonald TD, Vice-President, Sinn Féin
Dr Alasdair McDonnell MP, MLA, SDLP
Michael McDowell SC, former Attorney General and Minister, former leader of the Progressive Democrats
+ Canon James McDyer, PP Glencolumbcille
Mary McEvoy, Actress, author of “How the light gets in”
Alan McFarland, former Ulster Unionist Party member of the Assembly
Paul MacFlynn, Senior Economist, Nevin Economic Research Institute (NI)
Brendan McGahon, former Fine Gael TD
Evan McGarrigle, pianist
Patsy McGarry, Religious Affairs Correspondent, Irish Times
Casimir McGill, local historian Glenties
Dinny McGinley TD, Fine Gael TD
Margaret McGinley
Martin McGinley, Editor in Chief, Derry Journal
Martin McGinley, fiddler
+ Dermot McGlinchey, head of law firm in New Orleans, former chairperson MacGill Summer School
Barry McGovern, actor ‘Burial at Thebes’
Dr Owen McGowan, former Director of Library, Bridgewater College, Mass, USA
Jane McGrath, actor ‘Burial at Thebes’
Michael McGrath TD, Fianna Fáil spokesman on Finance
Yvonne McGrory, author
Catherine McGuinness, former Judge of the Supreme Court
Frank McGuinness, playwright
John McGuinness TD, Chair, Public Accounts Committee, Author of ‘The House Always Wins’
Mairead McGuinness MEP, Vice-President, European Parliament
+ Martin McGuinness MP, MLA, deputy First Minister N.I., former Minister of Education
Tom McGurk, columnist and broadcaster
Prof John McHale, Dept of Economics UCG, Chair Irish Fiscal Advisory Council
Liam McHale, former State Solicitor, Co Mayo, former Supreme Advocate, Knights of St Columbanus
Joe McHugh TD, Fine Gael Chief Whip
Jennifer McKever, President of Derry Chamber of Commerce
Patricia McKenna, former MEP
Stephen McKenna, local historian Omagh
Ruairí McKiernan, founder Director, National Youth Organisation
John McKinney, Chief Executive, Special EU Programmes Body
Dermot McLaughlin, formerly of the Arts Council
James McLoon, former lecturer in Psychology, UCG
Michael McLoone, Donegal Co Manager, former Chairman BTSB
Peter McLoone, General Secretary, Impact, former President ICTU
Stephen McMahon, Chairman, Irish Patients’ Association
Tony McMahon, musician and television producer/director
Liz McManus, former TD, former Minister of State and former Deputy Leader of the Labour Party
Padraig McManus, CEO Electricity Supply Board
Peter McMenamin, President TUI
Gary McMichael, Ulster Unionist Party
Michael McNicholas, Chair, Ervia
Ray McSharry, former Minister for Finance and Member of EU Commission
Dan McTeague, tenor
Fr Peter McVerry SJ, social campaigner
Dr Rhona Mahony, Master of the National Maternity Hospital
Senator Ian Marshall, former President, Ulster Farmers’ Union
Geoff Meagher, National President, St Vincent de Paul
Rt Rev Dr J. Mehaffey, Bishop of Derry and Raphoe
Prof Gina Menzies, theologian, lecturer in Bioethics at Royal College of Surgeons
Ingrid Miley, Industrial Affairs Correspondent, RTE
Susan Mitchell, Health Editor, Sunday Business Post
Dr Eddie Molloy, management consultant, MD Advanced Management Organisation
Sean Moloney, former Senator, Labour Party
Prof John Monaghan, Director Social Policy, Vice President SVP
John Moran, RHH International, former Sec-Gen, Department of Finance
Gerry Moriarty, Northern Editor, Irish Times
+ Dr Paddy Moriarty, former CEO, ESB
Lord Maurice Morrow, Chairperson Democratic Unionist Party
Gaye Moynihan, former senior planning executive, Donegal County Council
Fiona Muldoon, Group Chief Executive, FBD
Dr Joe Mulholland, Director, MacGill Summer School
Orla Mullan, actor
John Mullins, founding CEO Amerenco Solar, former CEO Bord Gais
Kieran Mulvey, former General Secretary ASTI, former Head of Workplace Relations Commission
Joan Mulvihill, Centre Director for the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce (IC4) DCU
Dr Anna Murphy, Forfas
Catherine Murphy TD, Independent deputy for Kildare North
David Murphy, Business Editor RTE
Dr Desmond Murphy, historian
Eoghan Murphy TD, Fine Gael deputy for Dublin South-East
Prof Gary Murphy, Dublin City University
Prof John A. Murphy, former Senator and Professor of History, UCC
Margaret Murphy, patient advocate, World Health Organisation
Martin Murphy, Managing Director, Hewlett Packard Ireland Ltd
Mary Murphy, lecturer in Irish Politics and Society NUI Maynooth
Michael C. Murphy, Security Analyst, former Senior Officer, Defence Forces
Orla Murphy, architect and lecturer, School of Architecture UCD
Pádraig Murphy, former ambassador to Germany, Spain, USSR and Japan
Senan Murphy, former MD Airtricity
Yvonne Murphy, judge
Prof Christopher Murray, former Head of Drama and Literature, UCD
Dr Marie Murray, UCD, former Director of Psychology St Vincent’s Hospital, former member of Irish Medical Council
Shona Murray, journalist Newstalk radio and Irish Independent
Moira Murrell, Chief Executive Kerry County Council
Denis Naughten TD, Fine Gael
Dr Martin Naughton, Executive Chairman, Glen Dimplex
Ted Nealon, former broadcaster and Minister of State for the Arts
Dermot Nesbit MLA, Ulster Unionist Party
Mairead Ni Bhloscaidh, mezzo-soprano
Poilin Ni Chiarain, writer and broadcaster
Triona Ni Giolla Choille, former Director Emigrant Advice Centre, Dublin
Bríd Ní Neachtain, actress
Pat Nicholls, tenor
Barbara Nolan, Head of EU Commission Representation in Ireland
Michael Noonan, Minister for Finance, former leader Fine Gael
David Norris, Senator and Joycean scholar
Sheila Nunan, General Secretary, Irish National Teachers’ Organisation, President ICTU
Niall ó hAnnagáin, poetry reader
Micheal O Aonaigh, Donegal County Council
Art O Briain, television producer/director, theatre director
Eoin Ó Broin TD, Sinn Féin spokesperson on Housing, Planning & Local Government
Tomas O Canainn, writer and musician
Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin TD, Sinn Féin
Detta O Cathain, former Head of the Milk Marketing Board UK
Prof Seamus O Cathain, Head of Dept of Folklore, UCD
Dáithí Ó Ceallaigh, former Ambassador to London, Director IIEA
Senator Pádraig Ó Céidigh, founder of Aer Arran
Prof Seamus O Cinneide, NUI Maynooth
Liam Ó Cuinneagáin, CEO Oideas Gael, former chair Údarás na Galetlachta
Éamon Ó Cuív TD, former FF Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
Seoirse O Dochartaigh, singer and musician
Vincent O’Doherty, vice-chair British-Irish Association, former chair, Superquin
Diarmuid O Donobhain, former principal Shannon Comprehensive School
+ Dr Nuala O’Faolain, writer and broadcaster
+ Dr Colm O hEocha, former President UCG
Sean O Longain, former CEO of Donegal VEC
Micheál O Muircheartaigh, writer and broadcaster
Dr Sadhbh O Neill, School of Politics and International Relations UCD, Green Party
Liam O Ronain, former Donegal Co Librarian
Cathal O Searcaigh, file (poet)
Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, Sinn Féin
Prof Gearoid O Tuathaigh, Department of History, UCG
Prof John O’Brennan, Maynooth University
Dan O’Brien, Economics Editor, Irish Times
Fergal O’Brien, Directory of Policy, Ibec
Karl O’Brien, Irish Times
Lance O’Brien, Head of Strategy and Foresight, Teagasc
Maeve O’Brien, writer and teacher
“Professor” Peter O’Brien, musician
Tony O’Brien, Director General, Health Service Executive
Donal O Brolcháin, poliltical reform activist
Jim O’Callaghan TD, Fianna Fáil spokesperson on Justice
Dr Margaret O’Callaghan, Senior Lecturer in Politics, QUB
Brian O’Connell, MD Westpark Business Park, Shannon
Donncha O’Connell, lecturer in Law NUI Galway, member of the Law Reform Commission
Fred O’Connell, former Chairman National Parents’ Council
Dr Eddie O’Connor, founding CEO Mainstream Renewable Power, former CEO Bord na Mona
Jack O’Connor, General President, SIPTU
Tim O’Connor, former senior diplomat of the Irish Foreign Service, former Secretary General to the President of Ireland
Dr John O’Conor, pianist
Geraldine O’Doherty, harpist
Philip O’Doherty, Founding CEO of E&I Engineering
Vincent O’Doherty, Vice-Chairman British-Irish Association, former Chair Superquinn
Frank O’Donnell, judge and former President, Incorporated Law Society
Liz O’Donnell, former Minister of State
Louise Donnell, Health & Welfare Division, IMPACT trade union
Senator Marie Louise O’Donnell, lecturer and broadcaster
+ Peadar O’Donnell, novelist and republican activist
Rory O’Donnell, Head of NESC
Bernard O’Donoghue, poet, lecturer in medieval literature, Wadham College, Oxford
Ann O’Dowd, National Museum of Ireland
Fergus O’Dowd TD, Fine Gael deputy
Sean O’Driscoll, Executive Chairman and Group CEO, Glen Dimplex
Brian O’Dwyer, Attorney O’Dwyer & Bernstein, New York
Marion O’Dwyer, actress
Louis O’Flaherty, former President ASTI
Colm O’Gorman, Director, Amnesty International
Moya O’Grady, cellist
Gerry O’Hanlon SJ, social theologian, author of many books including A New Vision for the Catholic Church
Kay O’Hanlon, Director of Cabinteely Family Centre
Dr Redmond O’Hanlon, lecturer and drama critic
Jim O’Hara, General Manager Intel, former President American Chamber of Commerce
Paul O’Hara, founder of Change Nation in Ireland, Director of Ashoka in Europe
Dr Danny O’Hare, former President Dublin City University
Tom O’Higgins, former senior partner at PriceWaterhouseCooper, a Director of Concern Worldwide
Dr Ciaran O’Keeffe, National Parks and Wildlife Service
Brian O’Kelly, lecturer in banking, DCU, founder/director QED Equity
+ Frank O’Kelly, Donegal County Council
Valentine O’Kelly, Donegal County Council
Anne O’Leary, CEO Vodafone
Dr Eoin O’Leary, Department of Economics, UCC
Jim O’Leary, lecturer in Economics NUI Maynooth, former board member AIB
Olivia O’Leary, writer and broadcaster
Nuala O’Loan, former Police Ombudsman in Northern Ireland
Robert Olson, Garda Inspectorate Chief Inspector
John O’Mahony, Assistant Commissioner, Garda Siochána
Desmond O’Malley, former Fianna Fáil Minister and founding leader of Progressive Democrat Party
Dr Eoin O’Malley, School of Law & Government, Dublin City University, Author of ‘Contemporary Ireland’
Fiona O’Malley, former Senator, Progressive Democrats
James O’Malley, pianist
H.E. Kevin O’Malley, US Ambassador to Ireland
Aileen O’Meara, Health Policy journalist and broadcaster
Prof Des O’Neill, Consultant Geriatrician, Tallaght Hospital and TCD, writer and commentator
Dr Eoin O’Neill, lecturer in Environmental Policy, UCD
Gerard O’Neill, Chairman, Amarach Research
Gerald O’Regan, Editor Irish Independent, former editor Evening Herald
Emily O’Reilly, The Ombudsman
Patricia O’Reilly, author and broadcaster
Shane O’Reilly, actor ‘Burial at Thebes’
+ Tom O’Reilly, former Donegal County Manager
Aodhán Ó Ríordaín TD, Labour deputy for Dublin North-Central
Sean O’Riordan, General Secretary Association of Higher Civil and Public Servants
Maeve O’Rourke, Human Rights lawyer in London, pro-bono lawyer of the year 2013 for her work for the victims of Magdalene Laundries
Mary O’Rourke, former FF TD and Minister for Education
Sean O’Rourke, RTE
Dr Eamon O’Shea, UCG
Micheal O’Siadhail, poet
David O’Sullivan, EU Director General Trade, former Secretary General EU Commission
Senator Grace O’Sullivan, Green Party
Kevin O’Sullivan, Editor, Irish Times
Maev O’Sullivan, Earthwatch
Michael O’Sullivan, Head of Research, Credit Suisse Bank
Noirín O’Sullivan, Garda Commissioner
Philip O’Sullivan, actor
Turlough O’Sullivan, former President IBEC
Fintan O’Toole, writer and deputy editor, Irish Times
Joe O’Toole, former General Secretary, INTO, independent Senator
Kathleen O’Toole, Chair of Commission on the Future of Policing, former head of the Garda Inspectorate
Dr Gearoid O Tuathaigh, former Prof of History UCG
Nora Owen, former deputy leader Fine Gael, former Minister for Justice
Ian Paisley Jnr MLA, former Junior Minister in the offices of First Minister and Deputy First Minister
Andrea Pappin, Director at Plain Talking Productions
Tom Parlon, Director-General, Construction Industry Federation (CFI), former Minister of State and former President IFA
Prof Henry Patterson, New University of Ulster
Tom Paulin, poet, critic and broadcaster, lecturer in english literature Hertford College, Oxford, Director of Field Day
Noel Pearson, film, television and theatre producer
Prof Rowena Pecchenino, Head of Department of Economics, NUI Maynooth
Martine Pelletier, Universite de Tours, France
John Perry TD, Fine Gael
Ann Phelan TD, Minister of State, Dept of the Environment and Dept of Agriculture with responsibility for rural development
Vicky Phelan, patient advocate
Richard Pine, writer, broadcaster and critic
Dr Emilie Pine, School of English, Drama and Film, UCD
Carole Pollard, former President, Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland
Edwin Poots MLA, Democratic Unionist Party
Averil Power, Senator and Fianna Fáil spokesperson on Education & Skills
Declan Power, Security & Defence Analyst
Jim Power, Chief Economist, Friends First
Sheila Pratschke, Chair, Arts Council, former director Irish Cultural Centre, Paris
Margaret Prendergast, Director Harristown House Treatment Centre
Sir Julian Priestley KCMG, author, former Sec Gen of European Parliament
H.E. Niels Pultz, Danish Ambassador to Ireland
Aidan Punch, Central Statistics Office
Richard Pym CBE, Chair, Allied Irish Bank
Gina Quin, CEO Dublin Chamber of Commerce
Dr Brid Quinn, Department of Public Administration, University of Limerick
David Quinn, writer and broadcaster, former editor ‘Irish Catholic’
Senator Fergal Quinn
Lochlann Quinn, former Director Glen Dimplex, former chair AIB and National Gallery
Peter Quinn, former President GAA
Phelim Quinn, CEO Health Information & Quality Authority (HIQA)
Ruairi Quinn, Chair, Institute of European & International Affairs, former Minister for Education and Skills, former leader Labour Party
Pat Rabbitte, former leader of Labour Party, former Minister
Prof Kevin Rafter, Dublin City University, author
+ Joe Rea, former President IFA
Stephen Rea, actor and founding member Field Day
Mary Regan, Sunday Business Post
+ Fr Alec Reid CSsR
Paul Reid, CEO Fingal Co Co
Dr Theresa Reidy, lecturer in Irish politics and political economy, UCC
Dr James Reilly TD, Minister for Health
Judge Michael Reilly, Inspector of Prisons
+ Albert Reynolds, former Taoiseach, former leader Fianna Fáil
Marie Richardson, Probation Officer
Prof Ian Robertson, Dept of Psychology TCD, visiting professor at University College London
Sir Gerry Robinson, former CEO Granada, former chair Arts Council of the UK
Mary Robinson, former Barrister, Senator and President of Ireland
Peter Robinson, former First Minister, Northern Ireland
Prof Anthony Roche, Professor Emeritus, English & Drama UCD, author of Brian Friel, Theatre and Politics
Dick Roche, former TD and Minister of State for European Affairs
Brid Rodgers, former Deputy Leader SDLP, former Minister for Agriculture (N.I.)
Anne Roper, documentary producer/director
Caroline Rothwell, actress
Dr Frances Ruane, Director, ESRI
Dick Ryan, former manager planning, IDA
Eamon Ryan, Leader of the Green Party, former TD and Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
Eoin Ryan, former Minister of State, former MEP
Mark Ryan, Country Managing Director, Accenture
Tim Ryan, Public Affairs Consultant and Journalist
Trevor Sargent, former TD and Minister, former President Green Party
Dana Rosemary Scallon, former MEP
Michael Scanlan, Secretary-General, Department of Health & Children
Dr Daniel Schade, lecturer and researcher at the University of Magdeburg, deputy chairman, Project for Democratic Union
Iva Sebit, African Refugee Association in Ireland
Martin Shanahan, CEO, Industrial Development Authority (IDA)
Vincent Sharkey, Samaritans, NW Region
Cora Sherlock, solicitor, pro-life campaigner
Marie Sherlock, economist SIPTU
Sean Sherlock TD, Minister of State at the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation
Pauline Shields, Deputy Chief Inspector, Garda Inspectorate, former senior officer RUC and PSNI
Roisín Shortall TD, Chair All-Party Committee on Health
Dr Lorcan Sirr, lecturer in Housing, DIT, Editor of Renting in Ireland
Dr Elaine Sisson, Senior Lecturer in Visual Culture IADT
Dr Conor Skehan, lecturer in Spatial Strategy, DIT, Chair of the Housing Authority
William Slattery, Head of State Street Corporation in Ireland
Rev Brian Smeaton
Gillian Smith, pianist
Michael Smith, Editor, Village Magazine, former Chair of An Taisce
Dr Michael Somers, former Chief Executive, National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA)
Dick Spring, former Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs
Prof Anthony Staines, professor of health systems, school of nursing and human sciences DCU
Prof Jim Stewart, Trinity College, Dublin
Terry Stewart, former Director EEC Office in Dublin
Niall Stokes, former Editor, Hot Press
Dr Jane Suiter, Associate Professor in Communications, Dublin City University
+ Peter Sutherland, Non-executive Chairman Goldman Sachs, former EU Commissioner
Dr John Sweeney, former lecturer Geography Dept, NUI Maynooth
Matthew Sweeney, poet
Alice Taylor, author
David Taylor, former CEO, Sustainable Energy Ireland
Seamus Taylor, Irish Liaison Unit, London
Stephen Teap, patient advocate
Martin Territt, Director EU Commission Representation in Ireland
H.E. Jean-Pierre Thébault, Ambassador of France
John Thorne, author
Dr Don Thornhill, former Secretary-General Department of Education & Science, former Head of HEA
Peadar Tóibín TD, Sinn Fein spokesperson on Enterprise, Jobs & Innovation
Prof Ben Tonra, Jean Monnet Prof of European Security & Defence Policy, UCD,
Dr Patrick Troy, Midlands and SE Health Boards
Dr Patrick Tubridy, psychiatrist
Brendan Tuohy, former Secretary-General, Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources
Rev Vincent Twomey, Professor of Moral Theology, Maynooth
Maire Bean Ui Cheallaigh, Muinteoir
Dr Leo Varadkar TD, Minister for Social Protection
Rob Wainwright, Director General Europol
Simon Wall, town architect, Westport Town Council
+ Arthur Walls, former Chairman Ryanair
+ Prof Brendan Walsh, former Head of Economics, UCD
+ Brian Walsh, judge of the Supreme Court
Prof Dermot Walsh, Kent Law School
Dr Ed Walsh, founding President University of Limerick
Rev Willie Walsh, former Bishop of Killaloe
John Waters, writer and broadcaster
Robert Watt, Secretary General, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Derek West, former Principal, Newpark Comprehensive School
Mary West, artist
Prof Karl Whelan, School of Economics, UCD
Noel Whelan, barrister, political analyst, author of ‘Fianna Fáil – A Biography of the Party’
Sean Whelan, Economics Editor, RTE
James Whelton, founder of CoderDojo
Prof Harry White, School of Music UCD
Noel White, Garda Superintendent, National Drugs Unit
Rossa White, Chief Economist, National Treasury Management Agency
Paul Williams, journalist and author
+ John Wilson, former Minister and Tanaiste
Dr Michael Woods, former FF TD and Minister
Dr Maev-Ann Wren, writer and former Economics Editor Irish Times
Alison Wrynn, Economist, IBEC
Sean Wyse, former MD C.S.B.U. ESB
Ivan Yates, former FG TD and Minister for Agriculture
Deirdre Younge, former editor ‘Questions and Answers’ RTE
Huzma Yousaf MSP, Minister for Europe & International Development, Government of Scotland
Michael Zantovsky, Chair Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
+ = deceased